Author's Voice

My Favorite Month

September-2015-Calendar-Template-Pdf-1 September, my favorite month of the year. Wanna know why? Because my birthday is coming, it’s right around the corner, which means I am a Virgo. So mark this favorite date of mine….September 8th. September is good because today is also my mother’s birthday; September 1, she is celebrating in Heaven. My daughter’s birthday is tomorrow. She was an early birthday present 30 something years ago..How about that?

Wouldn’t you like to help this author celebrate her birthday? This is how you can do it. Just pick up a couple of my children and teen ebooks for $2.99, the novels are $3.99 @, if any of your readers are Virgo babies or happen to share the same birthdate as mine, September 8th; what a lovely gift it would make reading a book by Author Winona Rasheed. They are so very affordable. Even the paperbacks are not expensive. If your child shares the same birthdate as mine, I will post a birthday greeting to them if you tell me their names. Let’s see how many September 8th birthday babies are out there so I can give a shout out to them on my websites.

This is what I have available on Just click on the link and everything will pop up.

Author Winona Rasheed

I love being an author because I love what I do.

Remember September 8th. Give a shout out.

Author's Voice

Down Home with Author Winona Rasheed

Yep, I am sitting here thinking……wondering why it is taking so long for the rest of my books to appear in the Apple iTunes store. This is a long quality control process. Maybe the titles haven’t reached the top of the queue yet. If I don’t see any changes by the end of the week, I must inquire….just saying, because I am sitting here thinking about it.

But, in the meantime, when you are looking for some awesome books for your kids and teens, you can always pick up my titles at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Omnilit, and Books A Million. Just shop on line like I do.

Me & my Kindles  So many book titles to choose from, 14 titles to be exact….oldies but goodies and two new ones.

Nyrobi_Cover_for_Kindle and Magic of Soda Pop Amazon paperback Don’t they look good enough to read? Want to know what’s behind the pages of these books? You will just have to purchase a copy to find out. All I can say is….Good stuff, I guarantee! My books make reading fun, enjoyable, entertaining and so very enlightening. There’s never a dull moment with the characters.

Author's Voice

Kitty Kat Business

gray-cat-sitting-15954657 Okay, this is an odd post by me today, but that is because our cat is acting strange today. I think she is about to have her kittens, or close to it; if not today, tonight or tomorrow….I think. She is more vocal than usual and she doesn’t want to eat or be outside. As a matter of fact, she is following the Mr. all around the house like she is his shadow.

Mr. is driving me nuts with this cat business too; he is like a mother hen with our cat Coffee. The only way the cat will stay in the “birthing box” that we created is if Mr. is laying down on the futon where she can see him. He leave out the room, she will soon follow, looking for him. He then tells  me it is my turn to stay with the cat in there while she goes through the process….if that’s what is going on.

Mr. laid down to take a nap on the bed, up jumps Coffee to lay down beside him. I tell you, it is crazy. She probably will not have anything to do with him once her kittens get here.

Anyway, I figured this is a good post to promote my book, “My Happy New Home”, a story that is based on our big cat…Coffee. Have you read this book yet? It is amazing.

Happy Home Kindle Amazon

Author's Voice

The Sunday Flow

103269-Hello-Kitty-SundayHere’s my Sunday flow….I’ve been thinking and trying to get things together in my head as I go about planning the next step for my books. You know how it is with me, always a book thing going on. What can I say, after all, they are my babies, a reflection of me.

I am so excited that my books have another avenue to make their rounds on as they get exposed to new readers; Amazon, Barnes &Noble and now Omnilit. Digital express going on and I am loving that option. The next stop is iBooks. As a matter of fact, I’ve started working on this today since after reading all the important  publisher information, I will be letting that distribution be done through since I am registered there.

The first thing I have to do is to make sure my Omnilit prices match my Kindle prices, so changes will be coming there soon. I say soon because I changed the prices of my Kindle books today. Nothing over four dollars. As a matter of fact, 2.99 is the deal on kids e-books. 3.00- 3.99 is the deal for my young adult novel e-reads. That sounds fair, don’t you think? I’m not touching the pricing on the paperback versions. As soon as the price change is reflected in the Kindle store, then I will proceed to change things on Omnilit….again. Yeah, I updated already today, because when I started uploading covers and interior files, for my books new home; I made a mistake of pricing the ebooks as if they were paperbacks. Glad I discovered that error before it was too late.

Yep, this is a learning process for me. It’s a good thing I love what I do because it can get to be a tad bit challenging.  So that’s how I am flowing and keeping track of all these goings on. One step at a time because it would be so easy for me to get all tangled up in this publishing web. I have the pending changes all jotted down in my handy little notebook for reference. By the time I reach the age of 80, my publishing adventures will be a piece of cake! What do you think?

ekinds-icons I’m a digital author too. I love having options.

Author's Voice

All Aboard Young Readers!

train-308471_640 pixabayAll aboard the Sugarberry Cyberspace Train and lets take a virtual book ride. Only kids who love to read are allowed on this train. Destination…wherever you want to go. The only requirement….you must have an imagination when you ride this rail and you must be back by midnight, or you will turn into a frog say conductor, Author Winona Rasheed.

On this Sugarberry train are plenty of book titles to choose from, you must pick one. However, the more titles you read, the further you can go on your virtual train ride, because reading is what makes this train run on its tracks, going here and there and just everywhere that you can imagine.

So, are you ready to take a trip to Wonderland? Maybe you want to go to Animalville or stop to see an automobile race. Whatever your fancy, you can visit these places when you read a Sugarberry book on the Sugaberry Cyberspace Train.

We will be leaving the station in a few minutes; so hurry, grab a title,take a seat and lets read. Lets make this train move! First stop….Amazon and Barnes & Noble online book store to pick up reading supplies. Enjoy your ride! Enjoy your book!

Spring Where are you Kindle Amzon  Kumani ebook on Amazon  Happy Home Kindle AmazonJelly-Beanz B&N  Talez with Tails print cover for amazon More Readz for me print for amazon The Race is on Print cover for Amazon  Ragdoll talez print cover for Amazon Nyrobi_Cover_for_Kindle

Images courtesy of Pixabay free images.

Author's Voice

So Excited!

horse-613420_1280 ranch house and horse good cover Well, I guess I will be talking about this all day because I can’t help it, I have to show how excited I am about my new book. My creative juices flowed and I finished book number 1 about this magnificent horse named Soda Pop. As soon as I found this picture, my heart skipped a beat and it helped me finish the story I was working on. It was the perfect motivation piece that I needed to start working on the book again because I left it just lying around waiting for inspiration to hit again. It’s feels so good to see the book released and on Amazon. In my head, I am already working on details for a follow up book. Yes, there has to be a follow up with the characters in “The Magic of Soda Pop”. There’s more hoopla to take place around Green Acres Ranch and the rodeo circuit staring Nathan Ali Turner. I hope you let me know how well you like this book by leaving a little Amazon review of it. Your review helps pass the word around. By the way, this book is making it’s debut in Europe too. Can you believe that, Soda Pop in the UK! This horse gets around! Lets keep him going.

Author's Voice

Soda Pop is Galloping around on Amazon

for print and kindle maybeThe weekend is here and I am making a big author announcement……”The Magic of Soda Pop” is released and live as of today on Amazon. So meet the horse behind the pages of this book for middle grade kids. This horse story may be just a figment of my imagination, but once you start reading….it will draw you in and let you get close and personal with all the characters. This is another of my creations that takes a look at bullying, since the problem seems to run rampant in schools across America.

While writing and putting this book together, as soon as I came to the end of this book, I realized that more could be more written about Soda Pop and the boys in this book, taking them to another level or another stage; simply because Soda Pop is a rodeo horse. In this book “The Magic of Soda Pop,” the hint of an upcoming rodeo and its preparation is mentioned. So, there just might be a book two or a series; after all, I have to bring the characters full circle. I don’t think the characters are finished with me yet….Nope, I don’t think they are because they are throwing out hints as I type,( the little rascals!) So this new book, “The Magic of Soda Pop,” is an introduction into what is to come next.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy this new book. It is making it’s debut on Amazon today. Available in paperback and ebook.

Saddle up and enjoy!

Magic of Soda Pop Amazon paperback

Author's Voice

Saddle Up! Get Ready for Soda Pop!


Saddle up boys and girls and get ready for a new book that will be coming soon. If you like horses and being a cowboy, this book is for you. Of course, you do not have to be male to read this middle grade book, it’s for girl’s too, because they too have to deal with issues such as being bullied and standing your ground when someone is against you just because you look different on the outside.

In this book, you will meet a charming horse name Soda Pop. Don’t you like that name for a horse? Have you ridden a horse before? In this book, one of the characters gets a chance to ride a real horse for the very first time. Another character has a thing for rodeo competitions. However, these two characters aren’t friends, as a matter of fact….they quarrel and bicker quite a bit as one bullies the other on a daily basis, which makes school life miserable.

I am thinking that once this book goes live, you will want to hurry and add this to your book collection because you will enjoy the storyline and you will like the characters because they are real, someone you can relate to and understand. Oh, one more thing, Vanessa has taught Rain Drop how to count. Who or what is Rain Drop? Well, you will have to read the book to find out. There’s a lot going on between the pages of this book…..I know, because I created it. 🙂

8i6o8g6XT   boy101  cowboy-horse-rider-clipart

Author's Voice

Books 4 Boys about Boys

What can I say, I write for our young boys too. Actually, I write for all ages and all nationalities. Because with my books, all youngsters and teenagers can relate and enjoy them. Let me show you.

boy blogging 1

Talez with Tails print cover for amazon  The Race is on Print cover for Amazon  Wohali  And guess what….I’m working on another one.

When it comes to books, there’s always something good going on. Great entertainment!

Boys blogging 3

Author's Voice

Books 4 Girls about Girls

Sometimes, words just aren’t necessary, so I am just going to show you. After all, that’s what authors do…we show and not tell when we do use words.

Nyrobi Live on Amazon  Spring Where are you B&N   Jelly-Beanz B&N

Itchy Scratchy Spots 2  Ragdoll Talez with Aneesah   Flip through the pages of these books. Pick them up from Amazon and Barnes &Noble online store. Amazing stories for Amazing young girls.  little girl blogging 5