Author's Voice

Oh, dear me!!

Nona's Book Vibrations

Here I go again. I get in these stupid moods and I go crazy! Yesterday, I had a big idea that I should create another website. So I set off on that time-consuming journey. My lands, let me tell you…all I am going to say on the matter is that I think I will keep what I already have. After all, it is working for me. So, why go crazy????

I went over to WIX and after registering, thinking up a name and all that kind of jazz. That was a headache trying to get it together, I guess I am not techie savvy; remember, I started this journey yesterday, and by this evening today and with two pages created, I was ready to hang it up. I suppose I don’t have patience, even though I have the desire. You must be patient in all your endeavors if you want…

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Author's Voice

The journey Continues

I been working over here

Nona's Book Vibrations

The weekend is here, and guess what…I accomplished what I set out to do to do for this week. I have been working on the hardcovers for my books and the last one was done today. I have two in review right now.

When I found out about hardcovers for my books, my mind started going crazy just thinking about all my books getting a hardcover facelift. But as I soon found out, that was not happening. All of my books as it turns out do not qualify because of the number of pages. I am mainly talking about my children’s and young adult books. When I started this creative journey, I was creating short stories, and I do have a basket full of short story books ready in paperback and e-book formats. Don’t get me wrong, I am pleased with this accomplishment. So the only books that are accepted…

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adult books, adult novels, urban literature, amazon, author blogging, author websites, author winona rasheed, Author's Voice, Book Titles, Books by Winona

On my Grind

I am happy to announce that I am on my grind again. The spirit hit me today and I started working on a project today. Yeah me!

I noticed yesterday that KDP (KINDLE DIRECT PUBLISHING) has added “hardcover” for books. So, today I dived right in and added a hardcover to an existing book that I published last year. Matter of fact, it’s my latest gem, the last one I done, “Tripp N’Out”.

All I can say is…I love what I do! This is fun!

Creating books for you to dive into is simply Devine!

Author's Voice

Hey, me again

Goodness gracious, been a long time since I been here. It is December 26. Sorry I’ve neglected you website. I know you have dust bunnies and spider webs everywhere, probably needing the housekeeper to come in and spruce you up a bit. Well, don’t you worry because I am making a New Year resolution. I am going to get back in the swing of things around here. No more neglect! It all begins when the new year comes in. Starting 2022 on the good foot. There’s a lot to do around here and the work will begin next week…I promise. Out with the old and in with the new. I got you website! We are going to do our thing.

Are you ready for it?

Author's Voice

Troy is Me!

Nona's Book Vibrations

All I figured out to do is embbed the article, so I am posting/blogging all about it. I hope it works.

<div class="fb-post" data-href="" data-width="500" data-show-text="true"><blockquote cite="" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><p>OMG! Love my Troy roots. Thank you LCC!</p>Posted by <a href="">Winona Rasheed</a> on&nbsp;<a href="">Tuesday, February 23, 2021</a></blockquote></div>

WEll crap, this is not what I expected this post to look like. Live and learn!.

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Author's Voice

I Feel Special

Here is a little update to share. What makes a writer/author/indie publisher feel so good? Well, let me tell you. The answer is being featured and talked about in a positive manner. My journey/ my bio in the spotlight in my hometown. I feel famous, (ha ha ha).

Thank you LCC and staff for putting this native Troy Trojan in the spotlight and for letting my little light shine as a writer/author/ and indie publisher. I am truly loving what I do. As as matter of fact, I have a little something in the works right now, just have to work out the details…oh the details has brought me to a screeching halt. After all, it has to make sense and come together. This could take a hot minute.

Winona (Burns) Rasheed, the author in the news and on the Facebook streets. I think this is awesome. Come help me celebrate, of course the celebration is virtual, because we are still in this social distancing thingy. Here is a toast to me and a toast to you for purchasing and reading my books. Bring out the Kool-Ade for the kids because they are included too, after all, I started off being a Children’s writer…my first audience, where the inspiration began.

Love being me, independent and free to do my own thing in the literary world.

Author's Voice

Hometown Recognition

Nona's Book Vibrations

I am back y’all, doing a little something something on my website blog. I guess you can say I am doing an update; afterall, it has been awhile. Did you miss me?

Well, I have some good news to spread and I am so excited to tell you about it. Little ole me is being featured in my home town, Gosh, I feel like a celebrity. Bring out the champaign and lets make a toast! Oh yeah, I hear the glasses clinking. You guys are just so special.

Everyone knows that this is Black History month, Yep, the month of Feburary and in my hometown of Troy, Ohio, The Lincoln Community Center is recognizing it. They are doing awesome things in telling the history of what took place back in the day. I am so proud to be a Troy Trojan. I have Troy in me. Even though I don’t…

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Author's Voice

The Book List is Here

Nona's Book Vibrations

Just in time for the holidays. Are you looking for something special and unique to wrap up as a gift? These goodies can easily slide up under your tree; and I guarntee, your readers will love them.. Stories for everyone! Check out my slideshow of book titles. They aren’t all listed, but you will find all my books at my favorite online store, Amazon, all my books are there!

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Author's Voice

Good News! Good News!

well, where is my post. People always messing with stuff. When you have a good thing going….leave it alone! Please!

Nona's Book Vibrations

My goodness it has been a long time since I updated this blog! First, before I do anything, I want to say hi to all my new visitors and thank you for stopping by, thank you for liking my page and for those who have subscribed…..thank you.

I did do a little blog entry earlier today, but when all was said and done, I couldn’t find it, let me just say it wasn’t where it was suppose to be. Go figure that one out. Anyway, what I wrote ended up being another page on my website. Maybe it is because I wrote the blog on my phone and submitted it. From now on I will do all my blogging from my PC, because that was crazy.

Do you want to know what my good news is? I’ve already been shouting from the roof top of Facebook and Twitter, just getting…

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