Author's Voice

Hey, me again

Goodness gracious, been a long time since I been here. It is December 26. Sorry I’ve neglected you website. I know you have dust bunnies and spider webs everywhere, probably needing the housekeeper to come in and spruce you up a bit. Well, don’t you worry because I am making a New Year resolution. I am going to get back in the swing of things around here. No more neglect! It all begins when the new year comes in. Starting 2022 on the good foot. There’s a lot to do around here and the work will begin next week…I promise. Out with the old and in with the new. I got you website! We are going to do our thing.

Are you ready for it?

Author's Voice

What’s Up?

I am here because I feel I should be blogging about something, but not sure what. I’ve been promoting books and washing clothes for the last hour or so. What a combination of tasks! I suppose what I should be doing is working on the new book that I’ve started. However, it is sitting idle, waiting in the sidebars…waiting for me to get back to it. I’m thinking the main character is going to starting screaming at me any day now; asking me “what’s up?”.

Hey, now that is a good topic for today….What’s up? I think I will make that my title for this post….so with that, let me ask you…What’s up, bloggers,  readers, writers, publishers and authors? Is your day going just as you have planned?

The things I started off doing today, was not planned. It was like a spur of the moment kind of thing. I just jumped into it without thinking or making a to do list schedule. Now I have sorted clothes all over the bedroom floor, waiting their turn for the washer and dryer. However, my book promoting for today is done, not unless I decide at the last minute to repeat myself. How and where do you promote your books authors? I’ve joined quite a few online groups through Facebook. I just be promoting all over the place, including Twitter and Google+. My Facebook wall runneth over. LOL.

Here’s a question for anyone who would like to answer, for I be promoting here too. I know I have a lot of readers and followers, so let’s make a game of this on this cold, dreary winter’s day. Let’s see how many of you can name my book titles. Do you want to play along?  Can you name them without looking? Let’s see how far you get.

Name My Titles

amazon, author blogging, author websites, Author's Voice, authors, best seller list, book promoting, book promotion, Book Titles, Books by Winona, children, disability, fiction, hearing impaired, kindle, new book covers, New Line Press, New Novels, nook, short stories, Teens and Tweens

What’s Happening FRIDAY?

blog lady 2

You know, when I am in this little blog space, I usually talk about my books, or author stuff. Today is no different, I am about to give an update.

It’s alway good for an author to keep up with their publishing adventures. Don’t just let the books sit there and you don’t do anything after they are published. That is a big no no. I’ve posted, promoted, blogged, and tweeted so much, it makes me wonder if readers get sick of it. Oh well, if they do, there’s nothing I can do about that kind of attitude.

Update #1 A New Home for Her Cubs (kindle edition) is still on the top best seller list. Coming in at 81. This to me shows that this book must be a great read and readers are enjoying it, because the number changes daily.

New_home_sm Kumani book cover

Update #2 With the release of Bittersweet Dayz, it’s not only selling on Amazon, but it just went live in the iTunes store as well today. I know a couple of people who were waiting for it to come to Apple iTunes. Their wish was granted today. As a matter of fact, this book and Broken Voices both are in 51 countries where the iTunes store is popular and on demand for those readers who love electronic reads.
Broken Voices Kindle edition
Amazon-Bittersweet Dayz Kindle Edition

Update #3 Visit me anytime on my website. New things are always popping up there.

Update #4 I found a new place for authors to hang out and promote their books. This looks very promising and hopeful. Therefore, I registered, listed my latest book and set up an author profile. I am waiting to see how many readers I draw in. You know me…the more the merrier. The website might interest you too.

Author Of The Month: Sharon K. Middleton

Well, that’s enough updating for today. I just wanted to blog a little bit and share with you what I am doing today. Tomorrow is D day for me…I go to the dentist…Let’s just say I am trying to be brave and not think about it. Yes, I have a deep phobia for some reason. When this is all over, I should create a children’s book about going to the dentist, or maybe not. I hate rats too, that doesn’t mean I can write about them, too darn creepy for my blood and in my mindset, the dentist rates right up there with the rodents.

Talk at ya later. I hope you got a giggle from this.

Author's Voice

Just A Little Me Chat

Image Wow, here it is Wednesday, in the middle of the week. I start my day with my coffee and sitting down planning my day. I decided not to write, instead I was just going to jump right in and do housework, cleaning and washing clothes, dusting…that kind of stuff; because I knew if I sat down to work on my manuscript, nothing was going to get done, especially since I am working on the last chapter. So, I decided to let that work simmer for a day or two. When I worked on that project yesterday, I tell you, I was so wore out from plotting, thinking and writing I just needed to chill out because my entire body felt wiped out.

Anyway, I was late checking my email for today and when I finally made it through all of them, two particular ones stood out in my mind and made me a happy writer/author today. Talk about somebody being on cloud 9 (and that would be me), the email just made my day. Here I am not in my writing mode, but doing something else and I receive an author award from the best publisher on earth, New Line Press. I am thrilled beyond words. When things happen like this, it makes you proud to be an author and doing what you love to do best and that is write!  This award keeps me inspired to keep on doing what I am doing. However, the way I feel about writing and creating memorable books for the young to read, I’d continue my craft even if no one recognized me ever, because this is what I am meant to do. I love being a storyteller and I love the idea of leaving my mark on the world. With one book at a time, I believe I am doing just that….fulfilling my dreams and accomplishing my goals and being grateful to the persons helping me get there. People who believe in me and love what I do.

With the reward that I received today, I am grateful to New Line Press and Catherine Burr. I’ve learned a lot being a part of this team and I am still learning and experiencing from the best. I couldn’t have done it without you. So I thank you for taking me under your wings and helping me to fly with my craft.  Today, I salute You!




Author's Voice

Best Seller Author: Winona Rasheed


Wow, it’s been awhile since I posted on this blog site; as a matter of fact it has been at least two years. See, I had so many things to keep up with, I forget what I have. And to think just moments ago, I was searching the net to see if I can create another website for myself. When is enough, enough or can it ever be enough? I don’t think so, not when you are a budding or emerging  author. Hey, haven’t I already emerged, after all I have 10 published books now? Maybe I just want readers to remember my name and with this posting, remember my face. Let me ask you…do I look like an author? Giggle giggle.

Did you know that out of all ten books that I have, my number one seller is “Broken Voices?” That’s pretty darn impressive. This is the book that is written for teens and young adults and it deals with being a handicapped teenager. You can imagine that scenario, can’t you? I am not understanding why my other books are not getting this much attention because I promote all of my babies. But hey, that’s okay. I am not about to give up on them because they aren’t making the top 25 list. Their day will come, but for right now, it’s Ella Rose who is in the spotlight, which is why I am working on a sequel. Ella Rose is no longer a Freshman in high school, so now she is facing other challenges as she gets older to go along with her handicapped situation. So as a teenager, it does get to be a little more complicated and frustrating. The writing is going well because I have 4 chapters written so far. I believe this is going to be my longest book as far as pages are concerned, after all, Ella Rose has a lot more to experience and a lot more to say and so does the antagonist and the other characters who are coming forth. Yes, I believe this is going to become a “good read” when it is finished. So, are you excited yet? Can’t wait to get your hands on it? I should be working on it right now, however, my day has been filled with blogging. Yes, I’ve been on my other blog chit chatting away.  Well, all I can say is….I am getting my writing on today. It is always good to write. They say a true writer will find time to write everyday. I try to do that, even though when I do…a lot of other things get neglected, because when I get started…writing just consumes me and leaves room for nothing else.

Welp, it’s that time again, time to get up from my desk and go do something, like fix dinner. Dag, why do we have to eat and why do I have to cook?

Author's Voice, Books by Winona, children, Featherweight Publishing, fiction, short stories

Hello, It’s Me Again….

Well, if you are a follower of me and you’ve been wondering where I’ve been; let me tell you…I’ve been busy and not only that……I couldn’t remember how to log into this site. Well now, I’ve written everything down this time in my handy little notebook and hopefully I will be able to get back into it the next time I decide to stop by and post something.

It can get mind boggling when you have quite a few websites to blog in. Sometimes, you forget all about the oldies but goodies when you are trying out something new and I think that’s what happened to me. As a matter of fact, I have 3 Word Press sites now that I try to manage. One gives me a big headache trying to log in. The one that gives me difficulty is my very first one. However, I actually don’t run that one, someone else keeps it updated for me. The only thing that I am in charge of is my blog content. But, can’t access the blog there because the password and user name is messed up. I will have to figure it all out and find where the error is.

I’m asking, can one have too many blogs and too many websites when you are a writer/author?

Well I do have an update at this time to share with you. Remember when I had 6 books on my publishing list? Well, I now have 7. Yeppers, a new book was released in September, or was it October…. Another new book for the kid crowd. I’m proud of this book to0, because this is my first fully illustrated piece of reading. I have to admit it is charming and cute. I love it and I hope you will love it too. It is called “Itchy Scratchy Spots”.  It is a good read for young readers. Well shoot! I need to upload the cover, but for some reason I can’t find where to do that. Mercy me!Itchy Scratchy Spots

Well, look what I just did, I figured it out. Sometimes, I can be so smart. LOL  Yes, this book like the others can be found on as well as Barnes and  Rudy, the little girl on the cover will have you giggling as you turn the pages. I love happy stories, don’t you? Every child should have a book that puts a smile on their face when they are reading and the reader should be anticipating the next move as they turn the pages. This book will do that.

Oh guess what else is in the news, “A New Home for her Cubs” and “Broken Voices” are making the Europe scene. They are now available in places like the UK, France, Germany, Italy and even Japan. Boy I tell you, my characters are happy about that and so am I.  This is just an amazing ride!

Oh, and I am not done yet….a writer/author never comes to an end, not until he or she can no longer write and create. I submitted two new stories and I am keeping my fingers crossed in have them accepted for publishing.

I love being an author! It defines who I am, giving me a purpose. Do you have a purpose in life? I am so glad I found mine, proving that it is never to late to discover what you are meant to be and what you are meant to do.

Well, gotta end this so I can see what this post is going to look like. I hope to hear from you, especially if you take the time to read this.