amazon, author blogging, book promoting, Book Titles, Books by Winona, children, ebooks, fiction, kindle, New Line Press, nook, spring reads

Oops! I Missed A Day


Well forgive me for not posting about Children’s Book
Week yesterday. I was out and about with my girls. You know what that means when you are having a Mother and
Daughter day, everything else just gets put on hold. So today, I am playing catch up.

Today is the last day of Children’s Book Week, but in reality, it doesn’t have to end today. Keep on reading “the books”. You don’t have to wait for a special occasion or a book event to read. That would surely be a reading opportunity waste.

I finished a book last night and it was a good one. I read “Angels Watching Over Me”. I’d say this is a Y/A book because of the ages of the two main characters. It held my attention because of the circumstances and situations of these two courageous young females from a different time period, and different backgrounds; but their lives tangled and weaved together. One character wealthy, the other a slave. Both with tragedies that tore their lives apart, but their individual situations brought the young ladies together with a purpose of survival. With that being said, I am now ready for the next “historical” story. I am so glad I took the time to read that book….and finish it too. It was well worth it.
Now, what are you reading? Are you looking for titles to explore? Well come a little closer and let me plant a little bug in your ear. I know where you can check out some great books for the entire family, great books for kids and young adults. The website has great titles and it even has a bookstore link whereas, you only have to click when you see something that is of interest to you. It’s a family friendly site and all of the books are worthy of reading. As a matter of fact, they are worthy of some attention, that’s why I am talking about them. Just me getting the word out about New Line Press Books. Take a look for yourself. I am sure you will agree with me when you visit the website. Look around and browse. Bookmark the page so you can always come back to it.

thank you 2

Thanks for stopping by.

author blogging, Author's Voice, best seller list, best seller rank, book promoting, Book Titles, Books by Winona, children, ebooks, fiction, print books, short stories, spring reads, winona rasheed

A Lioness Tale: Kumani

zoo lioness and cubs

Since this is Zoo day around here, because it is Easter Monday at The National Zoo. This is a good time to talk about my book and share the wonders of the wild with you.

A New Home for Her Cubs

Kumani is still riding high on the best seller list and I am happy about that. Her e-book is still popular. Don’t you think the lioness and her cubs at the National Zoo, could be the splitting image of Kumani and her babies?

Did you ever wonder how I came up with the idea for this story about Kumani and her wild imagination? It all started when I was watching TV, I think it was Animal Planet or Wild Kingdom and they were talking about lions and their habitats. They even mentioned how it is the female lion who actually does all the hunting for food. Lo and behold, that’s when my brain started spinning around and poof, just like that a story started dancing around in my head about a lioness who was ready to forget all about her lioness heritage and responsibilities because it was a lot of hard work. She decided to give it all up, including her pride and find something more suitable to her taste. Yeah, Kumani has a wild imagination and she isn’t afraid to act upon it. I must say, this is a cute story and a great read for young readers all over the globe. Read the story and listen to Kumani’s roars. Watch Bantu escort her on her journey to somewhere that is perfect and ideal. These two animals will make you laugh and keep you turning the pages of this book as you discover what it is like to be a lion…not just any ole lion, but a lioness whose name is Kumani. She has a mind of her own.

So keep an eye out for this lion because you will never know where you might see her.

zoo lion

Do you think this lion looks like Kumani, if not…ask yourself why.

amazon, author blogging, Author's Voice, authors, best seller list, best seller rank, book promoting, book promotion, Book Titles, Books by Winona, children, ebooks, fiction, kindle, New Novels, New Print Books, nook, print books, short stories, spring reads, struttin my stuff, Teens and Tweens, winona rasheed

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail & Winona Rasheed

baskets 2

In a couple of weeks adults will be running around looking for baskets and goodies to put in them for the upcoming Easter Holiday. But I am hoping while you are thinking about colored eggs, chocolate rabbits and jelly beans; you also think about slipping some great and inspiring reads into those baskets. As a matter of fact…you better get some big baskets, especially when adding my books to those goodie baskets.

Did you know that I have 11 published books and all of them on Amazon, Barnes&Noble and a few are even selling at the iTunes store. And guess what else, all of the books can be bought as either an ebook for Kindles and Nook Books as well as and I am happy to say…a print version is available as well. After all, people still like the idea of holding a real book in their hands and I and my publishers happen to like the idea of giving my potential buyers options. That’s how I strut my stuff.

Now let’s take a look at my titles, because I bet you don’t know all of them. So you better sit down and make out a title list to check out when you visit Amazon, Itunes store and Barnes & Noble.

1.Bittersweet Dayz-My newest edition for teens.
2.Broken Voices– My first young adult read, of which Bittersweet Dayz is book 2 of this series.
3. A New Home for Her Cubs- This book is for young readers to the age of 12. This book has been on the best seller list for a week now, hanging in there with Broken Voices, which is also on the best seller list.
4. Along Came Jelly-Beanz- A book for young readers 6-9 but of course, 10 -year-olds will enjoy this too, because it deals with fantasy and friendships.
5. Itchy Scratchy Spots– My one and only fully illustrated books, books, because young readers like looking at pictures when they read.
6. Wohali and the Little People– A Native American tale for children in the tween bracket 9-12. Step into the life of a Cherokee Indian boy.
7. Spring Where are you?- A story for young readers 6-8- Gracie can’t find spring even though the adults around her says it’s just around the corner….(say what?)
8. The Race is On!- A great read for those interested in the defeats and wins of car racing. Intended audience ages 9-11

All the books listed above are single stories, but guess what, I have three books that contain several different stories behind their covers. Great reading for bedtime stories, circle time reading, and read-to-me books and when you want to cuddle and tell a story.

9. Sugar and Spice Fairy Tales for Girls- Titles include: Too Big for Us, Macy’s Apple Tree Friend and Wishes Granted. Three stories that deal with fantasy and make believe.

10. Smiles and Frowns Through Animal Town’s Storybook– Five stories are included in this book for young readers 6-9, where the main characters are all animals.

11. Stories from Grandma’s Garden– Inside the pages of this book, you will find titles such as: Just My Imagination, The Babysitter and last but not least… Silver and Gold Friends. This book is for children ages 7-10.

As you can see, I’ve been busy creating and having published great books since 2008. I’ve come full circle since the 1960’s, for that’s when my writing journey began. That’s when the bug hit me. I found my calling and my God given talent and I am loving what I do….creating books for awesome children all over the world.

What are your kids reading over spring break?

amazon, author blogging, Author's Voice, authors, best seller list, book promoting, book promotion, Book Titles, Books by Winona, children, disability, fiction, hearing impaired, kindle, new book covers, New Line Press, nook, short stories, spring reads, struttin my stuff, Teens and Tweens

Still On “The List”

Best Seller top 100

It looks like I am getting in the habit of checking my book ratings daily on That’s a good thing. And you know what, I am glad I checked on it today. Two of my books are hanging in there and still listed under the top 100 best sellers on Amazon; books for children and teens.

Amazon Best Seller Logo

In my eBook category of books still riding the magic carpet is “Broken Voices,” listed at #77 under peer pressure. The second book that is coming out of hiding and staying on top for the 2nd day is “A New Home for Her Cubs,” ranking in at # 84 today, listed under Africa’s fiction books. This news makes me, the author feel good on a Wednesday afternoon. So I am not complaining. This is fabulous news and that’s why I wanted to share it.

Don’t you think your young readers should be reading books for the top 100 list? Why not pick up one and let them read it on that Kindle. Trust me, they will treasure the story for a lifetime. The book will become one of their favorite all time great reads…I guarantee.

A New Home for Her Cubs

Broken Voices Kindle edition

amazon, Author's Voice, authors, best seller list, book promoting, book promotion, Book Titles, Books by Winona, children, ebooks, fiction, kindle, New Line Press, nook, short stories, spring reads, struttin my stuff, winona rasheed

A New Home for Her Cubs: Children’s Book

April’s Fool day and here I sit, blogging my heart out today. However, I do believe this is going to be my last one for the day…maybe.

I was just sitting here thinking, I am always talking about Broken Voices. Well why not, after all it does seem to be a very popular book, of which I am grateful. But that is not the only book title that I have as an author. With the publishing of “Bittersweet Dayz,” I now have 11 published books that I am pleased to announce. Out of 11 books, guess what…3 of these titles are published by New Line Press. These titles are Broken Voices, Bittersweet Dayz and sitting on the sideline is “A New Home for Her Cubs.” New Line Press has published two books by me for young adult reading and one title that is geared for younger readers from the ages of 9-12, A New Home for Her Cubs is that such book.

When you turn the pages of this book, you will be taken to the heart of Africa; traveling with Kumani, who is not your typical lioness as she tries to find better living conditions for herself and her cubs while she leaves behind her natural environment. Her friend, Bantu, the taking parrot helps her to find this idealistic place; but finding such a place proves to be difficult and quite dangerous when Kumani leaves her pride.

I am going to stop right there before I tell you the entire story. As the author, I do not want to do that, I just wanted to stir up your curiosity…did it work? Does it sound like something you would want your young folks to read? This book is a must have. It’s fun, imaginative and educational too. In my mind, I can see this story as a Disney children’s/family movie, like that of the “Lion King”. So, if you enjoyed that movie, you will certainly enjoy this book.

Like all of New Line Press books, you can get this one as an eBook for Kindle as well as order it in a paperback. This also sells on Barnes and Noble too…Nook and print versions. So come on, get your read on!


amazon, author blogging, Author's Voice, authors, best seller list, book promoting, book promotion, Book Titles, Books by Winona, children, disability, ebooks, fiction, hearing impaired, kindle, New Line Press, nook, spring reads, struttin my stuff, Teens and Tweens, winona rasheed


Broken Voices Kindle edition

I was just checking out the status of my books on Amazon moments ago and guess what I just saw. Okay, I will tell you because you forced me into it. “Broken Voices,” the eBook edition has made it to the top 100 list again, coming in at #75 for children books under the category of peer pressure. How is that for news on the first day of April…and this ain’t no April Fool’s joke!

I like it when people are reading my book. Keep on purchasing because it is a great read that deals with reality, a reality that some children, teenage students have to face in today’s society; that of being different…that of being handicapped while living in a “normal” society. Can’t you imagine some of the problems that they must face? This books highlights such a situation. As does the storyline depicted in Book 2, “Bittersweet Dayz”.

Do you own this book on your electronic gadget? If not, hey…what are you waiting for? And, if you have read or are reading it now, it would be greatly appreciated if you would leave a review of the book. Reviews help to entice other potential readers, showing that the book is worthwhile.

So Join me in my author cyber party in celebrating this book; book #1 and Book #2 of the Ella Rose saga.

Amazon-Bittersweet Dayz Kindle Edition

author blogging, Author's Voice, authors, book contracts, book promoting, Book Titles, Books by Winona, fiction, New Line Press, spring reads, Teens and Tweens, winona rasheed, writing projects

Good News Friday


If you don’t know by now, I have been working on a sequel to Broken Voices. I’ve been at it for months. Broken Voices is a book that I’ve written for teens and tweens. Everyone who has read the book kept telling me that they would like to see Ella Rose come back in a sequel. Well, El and I put our heads together and came up with something, another moving saga into this young girl’s journey and the handicapped situation that she has to deal with. This is the longest story that I’ve ever written. To tell you the truth, I never thought I’d write anything over 100 pages, because I thought I was strictly a short story writer. I was wrong and all I can say is….Oh, the powers that motivate and move ya! I’m glad you moved me.
Now with all that said, guess what happened this evening…

I signed the contract for my next book.

Now isn’t that a good ending for the day, especially as a writer/author? My new book is on its way. However, I am not counting my chickens before they hatch. So stay tune for the updates on this accomplishment. This is like giving birth and I am not even pregnant. But out pops a new book! LOL

author blogging, Author's Voice, authors, book promoting, Book Titles, Books by Winona, children, fiction, short stories, spring reads, Teens and Tweens, winona rasheed

Yeah….Spring is Here!!

Can you believe it? It has finally arrived…Spring that is! What a glorious day to get out and kick up your heels and celebrate. And guess what…the sun is shining bright today as well here in Washington, DC. But oh poor us, the weather people says that snow is coming our way on Tuesday. Now isn’t that the pits? It is suppose to be 70 on Saturday; sounds so good to me, but with the pending snow, don’t think I will be pulling out the flip flops and tank tops just yet because of this wicky wacky weather. Patience is the key word here….do you have patience?

Since this is the first day of spring, it is also a good day to promote some springtime reading. You know you want to add some new books to your young reader’s bookshelves and that goes for the young adult readers too. I know they got their Kindles and I have some titles for them as well. Well, one or two, but I am working on another so my book list is growing. I love writing and creating, because after all….you love reading. Hey, I know you do, so guess what….these titles are for you.

Along Came Jelly-Beanz final book cover

Itchy Scratchy Spots

Jump into Spring with Gracie


Spring is here and so are these books; selling on and Barnes and Noble…..But wait, I have more. I will promote them in another post because I am running out of space on this blog.

Happy Reading and Happy Spring.